(Minghui.org) I praticanti del Falun Gong hanno visitato la città di Guanshan nella parte orientale di Taiwan il 1 novembre scorso, per presentare i benefici per la salute della pratica ed esporre la persecuzione in corso in Cina.
Il Falun Gong è una pratica di meditazione tradizionale basata sui principi di Verità-Compassione e Tolleranza. Il Partito Comunista Cinese (PCC) ha lanciato una campagna di persecuzione a livello nazionale contro i praticanti del Falun Gong nel 1999. Migliaia di praticanti in Cina hanno perso la vita come risultato diretto della persecuzione.
La città di Guanshan si trova in una valle nella parte orientale di Taiwan. È conosciuta colloquialmente come la città verde del riso per la sua importanza nella produzione di riso della zona.
I praticanti hanno dimostrato gli esercizi del Falun Gong di fronte a un santuario prima di andare porta a porta per parlare con le persone e aumentare la consapevolezza della persecuzione.
Molte persone, dopo aver appreso cosa sta succedendo in Cina, hanno firmato la petizione dei praticanti chiedendo la fine immediata della persecuzione.
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the tranquil exercises in Guanshan Town, Taitung County.
Mr. Tai Wen-ta, chief of Guanshan Town, warmly received the practitioners. “I know Falun Gong. I’ve been to many countries and have seen practitioners talking to the public about why the persecution is wrong. They collect signatures for petitions to end the persecution. You have worked hard!” he said.
Mr. Tai enthusiastically signed the petition to show his support for practitioners’ efforts. The practitioners presented him with a paper lotus flower attached to a bookmark bearing the words “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” Mr. Tai was very pleased to receive the beautiful handmade keepsake.
Mr. Huang Chao-Jen (second from left), chief of Fuli Village, shows his support for practitioners.
Mr. Huang Chao-Jen is chief of Fuli Village in Guanshan Town. He made a pot of tea for practitioners as he waited for them to arrive. After practitioners explained how the CCP tortures practitioners incarcerated for their faith and forcibly harvests their organs while they are still alive, he said, “So cruel, so immoral.”
Mr. Huang signed the petition without hesitation and offered to donate money to the practitioners. The practitioners declined his donation. Mr. Huang helped the practitioners connect with other local representatives to help make more people aware of the persecution.
The owner of a grocery store told practitioners that she has seen the beautiful Falun Gong processions in parades on TV and in newspapers. She said she supports practitioners' efforts to safeguard human rights and hoped the CCP's persecution would end soon.
Residents of Guanshan Town in Taitung sign a petition demanding an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
A flower farmer came over to practitioners and said, “Please give me the petition and allow me to sign.” He said his whole family has heard about the persecution of Falun Gong and are sympathetic to practitioners’ suffering. “One should not commit evil deeds,” he said.
Another resident said that he believed the CCP is evil. “I heard that someone went to China to receive an (illegitimate) organ transplant that cost 1.5 million yuan,” he said.
Many residents expressed support for the practitioners' activities and condemned the CCP's brutal persecution. Many people also offered the practitioners water and encouraged them to keep up their efforts.